A common question asked by customers is : How much does pest control cost?

The cost of pest control and a description of each service is listed below:


  • Wasps/bees- from$180 incl GST. Treat nest to eliminate colony.
  • Rodent control-from $180 inc GST. Inspect property and implement a strategy to get rid of rats and mice.  
  • House treatment -from $200 incl GST. A complete internal and external treatment that targets ants, spiders, cockroaches. A combination of dusting, baits and spraying are used to establish a protective barrier around your home.
  • Flea treatment internal  and external- from $220 incl GST. An internal band spray as well as a treatment to all internal flooring. An external band spray including lawn garden beds and other areas that pets would frequent.
  • End of lease flea treatment.-  In order for a tenant to keep pets, and end of lease pest treatment is required. This is best done when the property has been vacated and the carpets cleaned.