In need of Rat Pest Control and removal.
The best way to get rid of rats is listed below.
Rats are a common household pest and they can be found in cities, towns and in rural areas. The most common species are the Roof Rat and the Norway Rat. Rats are seasonal pests and are usually found in homes around the winter and autumn months.
Even though rats have poor eyesight and are color blind they have a good sense of smell. They tend to live in ceilings, walls, and under bathtubs; outside they tend to be nested under wood, old furniture left outside, bushes, vines and around rubbish.
Below are some signs of rodent activity to check for around your premises:
- sightings of living or dead rats
- droppings and urine stains
- gnaw marks
- burrow holes
- runways (rub marks)
- odors or smells
- rodent sounds
- nests
- damage to food in shelves
- places with still water
- piles of food sources (eg nuts, bird seeds, pet food)
Rats are very destructive.There need for gnawing means that they will chew through electrical wiring and water pipes causing extensive damage to your property.
The best way to get rid of rats.
Successful rat pest control and prevention involves sanitation and proofing. Inspecting the property for possible entry points and discussing with the customer solutions to help proof the property is extremely important. Exclusion is the best form of pest control. The best way to get rid of rats is to break the breading cycle.
At Northside Pest Control we will arrange a suitable rat pest control treatment and provide a solution to your rat problem.